schagi: 51 Years, Switzerland - Area Thurgau, Münchwilen |
Me about myself and the woman I am looking for
I am 51 years old and it is always not easy to enter a new relationship. I do not have any greater problems in my life but I would like to meet a woman for Mutual confidences in order to live a regular life together. I come from Switzerland, Area Thurgau, Münchwilen. I enjoy togetherness, travel and read books with pleasure as well. Some more details about me you can learn by contacting me. Maybe this contact will grow to something greater. Send me a message! I will view your personal page with pleasure. Please contact me even if you look for a date for some other reasons or live far away from my place. Maybe we can experience some minutes, hours or years of happiness right with you! Do not embarrass, write some lines for me about you, about what you think and about what are your favorite properties of a partner in a partnership. Let us chat with each other to find out what motivations we have and how to build a successful relationship with each other. See you!
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Can learn from each other!
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Last Sign In |
01/21/2024 |
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